We are making the most of our summer and filling up our days and nights, I have been busy at work and Luke just got back from a week long business trip to DC! I hope I never have to experience being a single mommy again. Will and I got in some great quality time but being a one man show is a lot of work! We took out first trip to the library which he LOVED! There is a train set there that I think he would of played with all day if I let him and we found out about some kids programs unfortunately I have to work during all of them but maybe Gigi can take him. We have a relative from Luxembourg (where my grandmother is from) in town visiting she is here for just over two weeks and we are gearing up for a very busy August, September, and October.
Will waves at anything he can get attention from. Yesterday we all went on a walk early in the morning before it got TOO hot out and as Boomer and Will were "walking" next to each other Will just kept waving at him, too cute! Moments like these just make me melt.
Will has 7-8 teeth now and we only had a couple bad days, he is such a tough little guy!
We decided to start with a few of the sign language words to help him communicate and I am happy to report that Will now signs: hi/bye, all done, and more. The only one we do he doesn't is drink, guess its time for momma to learn some more!
I am almost done reading Sippy cups are not for Chardonnay and I LOVED it! I highly recommend it to any and every momma out there, it had me laughing out loud and reading blurbs to Luke, good read.
Those that have read my blog for a while know about the trachealmalesia that we have dealt with and I am happy to report that the cough, cough, cough that ruled my life for months has shown MUCH improvement, praise the Lord! It is not completely gone and we are supposed to go back and meet with his specialist in August. But for now I (dr.mommy ha!) changed his reflux meds from twice a day to once. Once in the morning, then we are still supposed to take the bethanochol four times a day which sometimes we only take twice. The paragraph I just typed makes me more happy that words can say after months of typing blog posts about how I hoped I would look back on that time. :-)
Ok onto some pics of my cutie patotie for you!
Notice the duck in my boys mouth... thinking about re'doing his bathroom "will style"