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Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Lovin

I've got so many sweet memories and photos from all the fun we've been having this summer that I need to do a quick post to be sure to remember....everything.

The precious time we get with Will is few and far between, between work, social functions, family events, chores, errands, and more work it can get you down. Some days by the time I pick Will up and get home I feel like a horrible mom because I am too tired to play; much less do what he wants to do, go outside in the 100 + weather ugh... but with some imagination we're having a blast this summer. Will is at such a fun age, he is so interested in learning about everything and he is just soaking it all in. And I've realized no matter what I'm doing with him, time is precious and just trying to enjoy every sweaty beautiful moment.

One of Will's favorite things to do is just act goofy and be silly, he IS my child... the other night every face I would make he would copy cat, it was hilarious!

We took Will to see Circus Flora downtown, it was a really fun time and he enjoyed seeing all the different acts and people preforming. You cant tell from the picture, not sure why he looks so miserable here. Will loves to read and look at books, always has. When he looks at pictures in books, or anything for that matter he says, "Daaaat?!?!"and wants you to tell him what the object in question is, once you tell him he'll repeat you and usually remember it for next time. It sometimes gets exhausting answering "Daaat?!?!" for the millionth time each day, and to be honest sometimes I don't know the answer! He's no fool, on his fish puzzle you cant just answer with fish, he needs to know what kind! On the way home from the circus, driving through good ol' St Louis ghetto, an ambulance races past us with its lights and sirens on, Will points at it and says, ROBOT, ROBOT! We all had a good laugh. Then the other day walking in the store he was staring at the handicapped parking spot, finally I asked him what he saw, and he said TURTLE! It really did look kinda like a robot and turtle, love that imagination.W


First fudgecicle all in all he did a great job!

wagon ride to the lake to see the ducks

Peyton was reading Will books before bed and he kept looking back at her, I think he was wondering how she knew how to read! In the morning when they both got up, he was so shocked and overjoyed to see her still there ready to play again!

Cousin Peyton spent the night so her parents could go on a date, we had so much fun playing with her!
Will's first mini power wheels, though he cant steer yet, he loves it and we cant walk through the garage without a quick ride!
washing his cars...

Yes,yes my perfect child does throw tantrums, and yes I do laugh and take pictures.

This is Will's new BFF they play together everyday and if they were any more alike it'd be scary!

Last Wednesday I took Will to a tot swim before the pool opened its from 9-10:30 and he had a ball!
all the way up to the slide like a big boy!
waiting his turn

My big boy! In the baby pool, but still, he's getting TOO big!

We had such a fun time at the pool together, so glad I can do these things every once in a while... wish dada could join more!
He didn't even make it to the end of swim time, wiped.him.out!
Kisses to thank momma for a fun morning, next stop wendys!
Swimming with dada at a friends welcome home party.
dada may be more fun to swim with than me...

But this lady takes the cake, what a lucky statue, got kisses and hugs all day from sweet William.

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