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Friday, January 28, 2011
Daddy moment
Will's four month doc visit!
Holding his lovey "franklin"
Another favorite thing right now is standing, he loves to stand anywhere you will let him! Also enjoys playing airplane on mommies legs.
He might be having his first tastes of cereal soon and is growing up right before our eyes. His brother Boomer still doesn't care too much about his existence but Will is starting to watch this creature roam about the house more and more.Ohh, we've also started reading books which is super fun and I love having a new activity that he can do! My favorite is "twinkle twinkle" because I can sing it to him, however Luke has recently informed me while watching American Idol that I do NOT, let him repeat himself do NOT have a good singing voice!... Thanks babe.
At Will's four month check up everything went very well and he is a healthy and happy baby boy!
Weight: 14.12 58%
Height: 25.75 83%
I never record the head, as long as his head is growing normal I'm good ;)
We are in size two diapers and usually about 6 month clothing
Monday, January 24, 2011
A {much needed} low key weekend

Crystal picked Bennett up at 3 on Saturday and he was very delighted to see a fellow backseat traveler!
She did a little photo shoot with my little buddy, see Crystals blog or my facebook page for the complete pictures. She got some really great ones!
Smiley ones, cousin ones....
and some that made mommy laugh out loud at Walmart when she got the photo texts! :)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Texas Trip!
Will was an angel both on the plane ride there and back! I nursed him for take off and he fell asleep shortly after. On the way there we had about 5 minutes of mad cry but after that is was snooze land! He is a professional flyer which makes me want to plan the next thing to look forward to SOON!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Update on sitters and a ROLL!
And on the very first day she found out the way to this momma's heart: photo texts! :)
It is hard being away from my baby but I did need some adult interaction and time away. It makes the time I have with him every evening and on the weekends so very special. One fear is that I will miss things. Today I texted Gigi to check on the boys (Luke is home sick with the stomach flu) and she told me Will rolled over! From his back to his stomach! He was swaddled and napping in his crib and rolled over! Since he has been sick we have his crib elevated on one side which my of "helped" the roll a bit, but it did not help me to be a little upset that I missed this first big milestone! I know he will do it again and I will be there next time and I know how much Kris cares for Will so I am glad she got to be there for this first of many first moments.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Prayers for Grandma Ad!

Saturday, January 8, 2011
My 3 month man!
I cant believe my little newborn bear is three months old! My whole pregnancy three months seemed so far off, that is when I would return to work and it just seemed like it would take forever to get here. I had so much fun staying home with my little man and it seems to of went by in the blink of an eye!
My little fish!
Friday, January 7, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011
The first week....
Is he okay? Is he crying? do they know what he wants? does he miss me? is he sick?
Our childcare situation is a little different than the normal everyday same thing routine. My mom was going to watch him on Mondays but since her arm incident this has been put on hold for a while (even after it is healed she will need to go through physical therapy to get muscle and strength back) not all places do part time which is what we need.
So Monday Will went to the sitter I found for the second time, I took him when I had my follow up doctor appointment just for a few hours.
It was so hard for me to say goodbye to him in the morning, Poor little Will was wondering why mommy was crying so hard. Little did he know it would be 9 hours before we would see each other again :( Luke dropped him off which helped a little though.
I called to check on him and she said he had some trouble falling asleep but was doing okay, I picked him up and all went fine but when we got home he had a big poopy diaper. He was sleeping over there so I didn't want to read too much into it, however this sitter had also just taken on a couple other young ones. I didn't jump to any conclusions but I thought maybe a more one on one or a stay at home mom with just a couple other kids would maybe be a better fit for us.
Tuesday Gigi, Luke's mom watched him, Whew I could breath a sigh of relief, I know that Kris loves him more than life itself so he was in good hands. I talked to her a couple times throughout the day and I know that it will take them a couple of these Tuesdays to get used to each other and for her to learn his routine, so they had a couple rough patches but I am sure they both had an awesome day!
This was my first experience with hearing my baby cry through the phone... worst feeling ever! All I wanted to do is run home and make him all better but I couldn't. It is so weird from going from three months to doing nothing but taking care of his every need for him to being 30 miles away.
Since we were doing some trial and error this first week Wednesday I decided to try bringing him to work with me. I loaded up the extra swing, bouncy seat, and baby supplies! It wasn't too bad having him there but it sure was exhausting, when I wasn't working I spent every second making sure he was happy, and comfortable so that he wouldn't cry. I just felt pretty on edge all morning. When I got him to go to sleep I had turned off all the lights in my office and closed the blinds so I was working in the dark to the sound of ocean waves. I had some white noise on to try and block out the phones etc.