"BabyMoon:" A babymoon is a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights that usually accompany a newborn baby. -
WikapediaLuke and I took our trip to Mexico in November, we
didn't make this public but it kinda kicked off baby making time for us; though it
didn't happen right away. However, now with Baby on the way and a busy summer we decided to use the one free weekend we had and take our last trip... just the two of us.
Our friends dog, she LOVES to swim!
Trips alone are great, they make you realize why you are with someone, they make you laugh at things you sometimes
don't at home, and they give you a chance to talk and catch up! We just went to the lake of the
Ozark's (about 2 1/2 hours from our house) and stayed at a resort called
Tantara. We ate at some great places, got ice cream every night, got too much sun, and even caught up with some friends!

Joey and Lindsey got married about 4 years ago and they live down at the lake. They are also expecting their first, she is about 5 weeks ahead of me...yes we are about the same size: UGH!

Joey and Luke had so much fun catching up!

Luke being "happy"

It was a HOT one!

Morning no makeup view from our room.

Ducks we watched swim in the
mornings from our balcony. Made me remember one of the things Luke and I have most in common is our love for animals, any kind!

Lake view from our room.

Out to dinner and listening to a band.

One HOT MAMA... literally!

view for all of Thursday, feet and a fuzzy belly. I thought it was so funny that I looked naked to myself, I
wasn't I promise, just hiding the bottoms in there
It was a super HOT (and humid) weekend but we had a good time and it was nice to get away, we liked the resort and had a great room with a kitchen and family room. We talked about how it might be a good vacation to take next year with baby wilson!
Sunday was Fathers day, since we had been out of town we decided to stay close to home. My dad was out at the ranch and we had just saw him to tell him some big news (different post) And we had just seen Luke's dad last weekend. We had some friends over and bbq'd and then some of Luke's family came over to visit. Baby Wilson and Boomer got Daddy a nice card and a new book to read "My daddy and me" But I think he got the best gift of all last night, A kick in the head! The books say now, if you are really quiet daddy can hear baby's heartbeat so we decided to try it out, Luke didn't hear anything but kept asking me if I was moving... with his head on my belly Baby Wilson gave daddy some really strong kicks right in the head, he is not even here yet and just wanted to say happy fathers day!